ATTUD is pleased to announce the launch of the new tobacco treatment specialist certification, in collaboration with the American Heart Association (AHA). This certification is a key component in ATTUD's mission to increase the quality of evidence-based tobacco treatment. The AHA is a global leader in cardiovascular risk research, education, and intervention, and they bring considerable expertise in certifying health care professionals. Our common objective is to launch the Certified Professional by the American Heart Association - Tobacco Treatment.

Our Goals: 

  • Ensure a rigorous process for certifying tobacco treatment professionals
  • Promote national standards for intensive, evidence-based treatment
  • Establish professional recognition and credibility to tobacco treatment as a specialty in clinical, academic, and research settings

About the Exam: 

  • 175 total questions
  • 3 hour-remotely proctored exam by Meazure Learning
  • Results available 24-48 hours after completion of exam on AHA's Professional Education Hub
  • AHA Professional Education Hub

Certification Maintenance: 

  • Prior to expiration, a total of 20 CE credits in tobacco treatment subject areas will be required for recertification
    • A minimum of 10 CE credits must be specific to tobacco treatment
    • Remaining CE credits can be in any of the 11 ATTUD Core Competency knowledge areas
  • Individuals may elect to retake the exam at full cost in lieu of continuing education credits
  • Once awarded, certification is valid for three (3) years

Upon completion of program requirement and passing the exam, professionals will be provided a certification award, branding guidelines, and digital seal to display. 

Additional Detailed Information:

To get started, go here